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Water-powered proportional dosing pumps manufacturer


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Sénégal - Drinking water supply


Customer / Type of customer

Sade Senegal

Issue / Need

Promote sustainable integrated water resource management, universal access to drinking water and continuity of public service in rural areas. This unique Senegalese development framework (PEPAM) is based on the combined efforts of the State, civil society, local authorities, NGOs, the private sector and development partners. In order to meet the needs of the rural population, it was decided to systematize the installation of drinking water purification systems with the installation of chlorination systems upstream of drinking water networks, in water towers. This essential measure allows the control of the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of the water before storage and transport. The involvement of local authorities and SOGES (Senegal's water management company) in the collection of water quality data will ensure the sustainability of these facilities. In addition to the equipment, Dosatron has supported Sade in this ambitious project through a training programme in the use of the technologies selected.

Location of the project

Approach used / Response given

Our solution made it possible to carry out a partial by-pass post-drilling chlorination of the entire feed flow of the 38 water towers. The DOSATRON proportional dosing pumps, which are certified for drinking water, are installed in a bypass on the pipe and operate using the water flow as a source of energy. The disinfection additives are proportionally dosed and continuously injected with the water at the chosen dosage. The dose of the concentrated product is directly proportional to the volume of water flowing through the pump and this independently of variations in the pressure flow rate of the collector.< br /> Chlorination is placed upstream of the tanks to provide effective protection against the development of bacteria, protozoa, Escherichia Coli, etc. This upstream positioning of the chlorination combined with a suitable tank shape ensures that the contact time essential for water disinfection is respected.



Supply and realisation

Sade, a Dosatron's partner, was awarded the contract to design and supply equipment for the construction of 38 AEPs to be delivered on a turnkey basis to the Senegalese authorities. The population of the region can now consume water in compliance with WHO standards.



Our achievements

Côte d'Ivoire - Rural drinking water
France - Dewatering sediments from dredging