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Water-powered proportional dosing pumps manufacturer

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Special for low flows and low pressures

The DIA range meets the dosing needs from 4.5 to 2500 l/h.

  • Best performances at low flow (young animals / small groups)
  • Best performances at low pressure (headertanks, pressure drops)
  • Unequalled motor lifespan including water loaded with minerals
  • Easy & cost effective motor maintenance
  • 4% dosing capability for a better powder solubility
  • External injection to protect the motor from chemical attacks


1 - 4 % [1:100 - 1:25]
4,5 l/h - 2,5 m3/h
0,15 - 4 bar
0,045 l/h - 100 l/h
~ 0,47 l
vf.svg Seals for acidic additives
bp.svg (Integrated by-pass) system for manual activation of the additive suction (on) and stop (off)


See all our maintenance videos
on our dedicated website.