March 8, 2021
Tell us about your job?
My job in one sentence is to give concrete form to what an engineer has in his head through images. From sketches and calculations, I have to produce 3D parts and design a prototype. Then, of course, there are adjustments, in tandem with the project manager.
What I like most is starting new projects, working on new pumps, new concepts, with new patents.
But I also work on improvements to our products, a change in design or materials...
What I particularly like, here at Dosatron, is that we are free to design, we are not locked in as in the aeronautics or automotive industries. We are free on what we design, I like this freedom!
When I arrived at Dosatron for my very first internship, I first worked on programming the parts to machine them (turning and milling).
During my second internship, I arrived at the design office and the workshop.
I think it's rather rare to touch the machines, the parts and then arrive in a design office. In fact, most careers go directly through the design office without going through the machining workshop. I consider it an opportunity and it's my asset to have been able to produce and touch the parts before imagining them!
And what about your job as a woman?
The fact of being a woman can however be a disadvantage from a relational point of view, because in a workshop the atmosphere can sometimes be a little macho... I've sometimes been made jokes, for example about women holding a screwdriver ! But that never really touched me. I know how to change a tyre, how to build walls, I built my terrace myself ! Clichés don't concern me, I deconstruct them.
But I think that another advantage of having first gone through the workshop, the machining, before the design office is that I have received more consideration and respect from my co-workers. I have the feeling that this has given me more credibility, more technical knowledge, especially with suppliers. If I had been a man, I think this technical knowledge would have been considered innate!
Teleworking as a woman?
I am 100% for teleworking! I feel less stress, less fatigue and so do my children. My children go to school, I pick them up, I go home and continue working. Before they were in daycare, now I can have them at home but continue to work at the same time.
A quick word for women who want to make a career in a very male profession?
I would tell them not to give up, to go for it. Be determined! I like to break the clichés!
I'm sometimes told that I'm brave when I undertake everything I do, but I'm not! That's not courage, we are all equal. We are as capable as men. We may not have the same muscles, but we have more subtlety, it balances us out!