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Water-powered proportional dosing pumps manufacturer

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Dosatron's Hygiene Unit

The Dosatron Hygiene Unit HU1 is suitable for the following washing and disinfection / decontamination applications: 

  • Floor surfaces / instrumentation: filling function, hand sprayer, bucket or soaking tank ... 
  • Medical equipment: in-line dosing of washboscopes, dialysis machines, water systems, etc.
  • Collective kitchens: spray function (gun kit, rewinder, ...).

Dosatron's HU1 Hygiene Unit consists of :

  • a Dosatron wtaer powered proportional dosing unit from the D25RE range,
  • an ABS-wall case, 
  • a shut-off valve,
  • an anti-pollution disconnector, BA type  (Standard EN1717),
  • a stainless steel support for 2 drums of 5 l or 1  drum of 10 l,
  • a drum cap,
  • a filling kit composed of hose (180cm) and anti-drop nozzle.


0,07 - 10 % [1:500 - 1:10] depending on your model
10 l/h - 2,5 m3/h
0,3 - 6 bar
0,02 - 50 l/h / 0,1 - 125 l/h
~ 0,45 l
Hose : Ø 6x9mm - Lg 1,80m
vf.svg Seals for additives up to pH 9
af.svg Seals for alkaline additives